Bill and I have lived in the Reno area for about fifteen
years, but we had never heard of Big Springs Gardens. Of course we had to go as soon as we learned of its
existence. The garden is located
in the Tahoe National Forest near Sierra City, California, a pleasant driving
distance from our home. Bill
powered up the GPS – no need for a map!
I’m so fond of the GPS lady – let’s call her Gypsy – for taking over my
most unwanted role of navigator.
Gypsy can read road signs way in advance, and she never loses her
temper, no matter how many times we ignore her instructions.
Gyspy directed us to Interstate 80, headed west toward
Verdi. This seemed right to me
since I was under the mistaken impression that the garden was near Lake
Tahoe. Then she told us to take
the Verdi exit and go north.
North? The lake is south
and the Hwy 89 turn off is 30 miles away.
No, Bill explained, as he took the exit, we’re headed to Hwy 89 on the
other side of the freeway. I
mentally reviewed the two most likely routes. We could stay on the interstate and take Hwy 89 N at
Truckee, or go back to Reno and take US 395 into Hallelujah Junction and points
west. I looked at the map,
finally, and discovering that there was indeed a road at Verdi, although not a
major road, we opted for the adventurous route.
There is much more to Verdi than you might assume if you
never ventured off the freeway.
It’s not all million-dollar estates like you see along the Truckee
River. There are old homes, new
homes, mobile homes, big homes and miniscule homes. There were several businesses, most of them known to me by
name from my years of processing business license renewals. We passed all these, wondering where we
were headed, as Gypsy assured us that we would reach the garden in an hour and
forty minutes. She always chooses
the shortest route, you know.

Bill took many
pictures of the pond, but the one I’m showing here is by far the best. It has become my new computer

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